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Paraprofessional of the Year Award 2023-2024

This award was first presented in 2004 by MO-CEC Board of Directors to recognize an outstanding individual who has collaborated significantly in the field of Special Education in the State of Missouri. The award is given to a paraprofessional for their exemplary practice of assisting students with disabilities.

  1. The nominee for the Missouri CEC Paraprofessional Award must meet the following criteria:
    1. be currently involved in direct or related services to students with disabilities.
    2. have demonstrated exemplary performance as an employee of a Missouri school.
  2. Each chapter & subdivision in MO-CEC may nominate one (1) person for the award annually by submitting to the chairperson of the awards committee the following:
    1. completed MO-CEC demographic information awards form;
    2. a total of two (2) letters shall be submitted from any combination of the following:
      • a MO-CEC chapter or subdivision member;
      • a principal or other administrator;
      • a special or regular educator other than those listed above;
      • a parent of a student with disabilities;
      • a student (if appropriate).

Please use this Google Form to submit award nominee information. Supplementary materials and questions can be submitted to Dawnielle Baker: [email protected]

Last Updated:  6 February, 2024

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